In embedded application user interface is one of the critical parts and display is one of the main parts in new generation embedded application, today i received a review unit for one of the industrial display manufacturers STONE Technology.

So Let look into box contains and specification of the product.





So as per specification Display have an easy way to the interface is UART and the manufacturer is provided the GUI tool for the design display interface.

We can download this tool from this link.

and one good thing with this tool is it no need any installation its works out of the box just extract the file and us good to go.

Now open Tool Software 4.3 folder and open TOOL4.3.exe.


this is the main screen of the tool you can just go to Pitcher list and Add pictures and select your image, make sure this image size should be 800:480 same as our display resolution.


and some test labels to print just test labels using the below tool.


And need to put your text in the initial value box.


now its time to build the project using the below icon.


Now we need to connect J3 port of the display with 8 wire connectors to the DLB07 board which we are using for now as power supply 12V DC to LCD. And your PC needs to connect with the display using the USB cable.

now you can upload project config to display using a click on the first download button in the below image.


It will launch a new window as shown in the below image and then you need to click to Download.


And after you have done this you need to download project images other things using the second download button, ones download is done you get below the log in output screen.


Now Ditech USB cable from the display and you get your display shows your newly prepared screen.


So this is a demo which shows to prepare demo project, next week we will prepare a new display for
our project which going to control RGB led using the display.

So see you all next week.

An Introduction To Stone Technology Setup



In embedded application user interface is one of the critical parts and display is one of the main parts in new generation embedded application, today i received a review unit for one of the industrial display manufacturers STONE Technology.

So Let look into box contains and specification of the product.





So as per specification Display have an easy way to the interface is UART and the manufacturer is provided the GUI tool for the design display interface.

We can download this tool from this link.

and one good thing with this tool is it no need any installation its works out of the box just extract the file and us good to go.

Now open Tool Software 4.3 folder and open TOOL4.3.exe.


this is the main screen of the tool you can just go to Pitcher list and Add pictures and select your image, make sure this image size should be 800:480 same as our display resolution.


and some test labels to print just test labels using the below tool.


And need to put your text in the initial value box.


now its time to build the project using the below icon.


Now we need to connect J3 port of the display with 8 wire connectors to the DLB07 board which we are using for now as power supply 12V DC to LCD. And your PC needs to connect with the display using the USB cable.

now you can upload project config to display using a click on the first download button in the below image.


It will launch a new window as shown in the below image and then you need to click to Download.


And after you have done this you need to download project images other things using the second download button, ones download is done you get below the log in output screen.


Now Ditech USB cable from the display and you get your display shows your newly prepared screen.


So this is a demo which shows to prepare demo project, next week we will prepare a new display for
our project which going to control RGB led using the display.

So see you all next week.